Anti Bullying
Bullying is "behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally". A culture of anti-bullying is vital in schools, as bullying can have extremely negative effects on a child's health and wellbeing.
Bullying is rare at our school, thankfully. Sometimes, children can report fall-outs with friends, disagreements within and between families, and other minor incidents as bullying; when actually (although they are unpleasant) incidents like these are a normal part of children growing up, learning how to interact with others, and developing social skills. Our staff take opportunities to work with children who are not getting on, discussing their behaviour and the choices they are making; and then exploring potential consequences and alternative choices. We are fortunate to have a learning mentor ( Mrs Brown) and our family support worker ( Emma Gooch) who are on hand to support children who may need support with friendships.
We deal with any incidents of bullying straight away and this will include involving parents/carers. If you are in any way concerned that your child or another may be subject to bullying, contact your child’s teacher, or one of our leadership team immediately. We will take your concern seriously and work to resolve the problem in a considered way which protects the child.
Click here to read our anti - bullying policy 2023 - 2024.
Click here to read our behaviour policy 2023 - 2024.
Several times on purpose
What bullying is |
What bullying isn't |
- Upsetting, embarrassing or disrespecting someone on purpose multiple times and without provocation.
- Using social status or other means to repeatedly force another into doing things they don’t want to do, or which they know is wrong.
- Forcing someone to hand over money or possessions.
- Intentionally causing hurt to someone physically or emotionally, multiple times.
- Repeatedly, and without provocation, causing someone to be excluded from a friendship group, e.g. by encouraging others not to be friends with them.
- Asking another child to pass on unpleasant messages, multiple times.
- Using a form of technology to accomplish the above (cyber bullying).
- Falling out with friends or having an argument.
- A split in a friendship group which causes children to take sides.
- A child hurting another by accident.
- An offhand comment made by a child which causes another child to get upset.
- Disliking someone because of a personality clash
- Telling a joke about someone (once).
- A child who bosses others around and tries to get their own way.
- Teasing someone and then getting upset about unwanted consequences.
- Fighting (once).
- Rough play.
Helping to prevent bullying
Prevention is better than cure. Here are some of the ways in which our school combats bullying:
- Staff model the way that people should speak to each other with respect and tolerance.
- Respectful, kind behaviour is praised and rewarded routinely.
- Teachers and teaching assistants understand the friendship groups in their classes and intervene when issues arise which are a normal part of growing up.
- Any behaviour which is disrespectful, harmful or intolerant towards others is swiftly challenged.
- Differences (including those related to protected characteristics like race, sexual orientation or religion) are not 'taboo' - they are discussed openly and positively so they don't become an issue.
- Pupils understand that school does not tolerate bullying. They know that they can speak to a member of staff or the headteacher if they, or someone else they know, are being bullied or are struggling with relationships.
- PSHE lessons and assemblies convey themes of respect and tolerance.
- Our pupils are aware of online (cyber) bullying and know to report it if they see it happening to themselves or others.
- School's care for our children does not start and end at the school gate. We work with our partners to address any bullying issues which children encounter while playing out in the community, or while traveling to/from school - even if the perpetrator is not a pupil at our school.
Useful links
- Bullying UK - part of Family Lives' website, some helpful advice for dealing with different forms of bullying,
- Anti-Bullying Alliance - a group of organisations and individuals that work together to combat bullying.
- Childline - a free, private and confidential service where children can talk about anything. Call 0800 1111.
- NSPCC - a charity campaigning and working in child protection in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands.
- Childnet International - a UK charity that aims to make the internet a safe place for children.
- Digizen - advice about how to be a responsible 'digital citizen' and combat cyberbullying.
- Thinkuknow - a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
- Tell Mama - a confidential support service for those who face anti-Muslim prejudice across the UK.