Greenkeepers Rd, Great Denham, MK40 4GG


Great Denham Primary

Inspiring excellence; everyone, everyday

Physical Health and Well Being


Physical Health and Well-Being at Great Denham includes the following curriculum areas; PSHE,  and P.E. as well as pupil voice and the well being of children and staff. Our Physical Health and Well Being team is led by Mrs Hardy ( P.E.) and also includes  Miss Neale (SRE/Jigsaw), and Mrs Morey ( mental health and well being) and Staff Mental Health Lead as well as Miss Dix.

P.E. is taught in two P.E. lessons a week either by the class teacher, our P.E. teacher, Mrs Hardy, or our Sports Coach, Mr Thompson.  These P.E. lessons rotate over the year between games, gymnastics and dance. In addition to this children take part in the mile run twice a week as well as regular opportunities for short bursts of exercise such as one of the Body Coach workouts, Just Dance or '5 a day.' Dance is taught through the P.E. curriculum however it is also taught in addition through the project work where appropriate. For example, during a project on India, the children learnt Bollywood dancing. During the year all year groups have the opportunity to have some dance teaching from an external dance expert either in an enrichment day or through a block of lessons. 

PSHE is taught through the 'Jigsaw' scheme of work in weekly 'lessons' with the class teacher. There are 6 units over the year, each of which is launched in an assembly at the beginning of term. There is also a song for the term for all the children to learn. PSHE lessons have a similar structure and include some 'calm time' as well as circle games and opportunities for reflection. Our SRE policy was agreed in September 2021 by governors following consultation with our a focus group of our local community in 2020. The policy can be found under our policies section of the website. 

Well-being was a  whole school focus in 2021-22 and we have set up a separate well being group consisting of several staff members who carry out different roles in the school, for example, teachers, teaching assistants, an HLTA, 1-1's and a member of the office team. Their role is to look at the well-being of staff and pupils and use pupil and staff voice to make any recommendations or changes. 

The links below will take you to the skills grids for each area of the curriculum outlining the skills and objectives that will be taught in each year group.

Click here to see our P.E. curriculum grid for 2023 - 2024.

Click here to see the P.E. long term plan for 2023 -2024.

Click here to see our Jigsaw overview for 2023- 2024.

Click here for our Autumn 2024 term PE Days


P.E. is an area of the school curriculum that receives additional funding through the government 'Sports Premium' grant. If you would like to read more about how we spend this grant at Great Denham please click on the 'statutory information' section. 


